I agree Grinity.

High quality education is the best way to provide opportunity for all.

As for developing a child's intelligence I believe it's all about stimulation. Talk with them. Sing with them. Play with them. Give them different experiences. Once they are in school experiences seem to become focused on advanced classes. But evern that is not enough to help them grow and learn and become a well-rounded human being. Frustration and learning how to deal with it is part of the formula.

Seems to me there are plenty of Alpha-parents out there pushing their kids to do more, sooner -- whether the child is GT or not. I'm not sure this is always a good thing.

We, as a world, can no longer afford to write off people because they are poor or of color or practice a particular religion. We also cannot affort to burn out our best and brightest. The more we have haves and have-nots the more unstable our world will be.

**stepping off the soap box**

By the way, St. Pauli Girl what is the exact title of the book reviewed? I haven't been able to find it in Amazon. Thnx.