
I thought I should better introduce myself since my last thread was erroneously narrow-focused. Although I am a playwright and researching, I also hope to offer encouragement to parents who find themselves struggling with twice-exceptional children who are stressed.

I have three sons, ages 27, 23, and 19. A former Eng. teacher, I have been training young actors since 1996, have published monologues, and am a member of a mid-town NYC theatre company. My husband is a fantastic father and works in IT.

We went through very difficult years with our oldest. Misplacement and ADHD led to intense anxiety which led to OCD. To make a long story short, 14 years ago, we took our district to court to get correct placement as our son was sinking further into anxiety, inner rage, and couldn't function. I consider myself a rational person yet, still, the best word I can find for that difficult period of misplacement is "nightmare." Today, he is a happy and successful Ph.d candidate in Ren/Med Lit.

Thanks...and thanks, Kriston, for the introduction to SENG. It will serve well for the scientific part of the research.
