Val - I think it's nice that your teacher thought to include your 4 year old. I'm so glad you have a teacher you like! smile

That said, DS just had a weird experience with incentives/bribes, and I think we're getting perhaps a taste of how he'll act in school... He told me his preschool teacher gave everyone treats if they sang the song that went along with this big several-week-long project they completed. DS has not ever participated in any of the songs or hand movements that go along with songs, or anything like that, in preschool (this is his second year of not participating. He doesn't want to, and his teacher has never made him. He didn't sing, so he didn't get a treat. He was the only one. I asked him if that bothered him, and he said, no, he didn't want to sing, and he could get a treat at home. (I'm not too upset with the teacher, because she does truly "get" him, although my perfect image of her is shattered!)