Originally Posted by chris1234
(Kriston - dont they know the word plan implies future use?!?)

I know, right?! It seems pretty astonishing that they haven't gotten THAT right. eek My hope is that since it's a new thing, they are just trying to work it into the (not very good) system that's already in place, and that as time goes by, they will come around to using the GIEPs as intended: for PLANNING!

But ugh! frown

Originally Posted by chris1234
I do hope there is some kind of parents group or support group. I think that would be really helpful for me and ds. I am sure I would be totally pulling my hair out without the ideas and camaraderie from this forum!! Thanks all smile

Keep your eyes peeled, and if there isn't such a group, you could always start one. It doesn't take much--just a few willing volunteers to copy flyers and a room to meet in to start up. It can get bigger and more complicated as it grows (getting experts on GT kids as speakers, enrichment activities and classes for kids, a resource library, etc.), but if you just need a group of people to talk to, starting your own group isn't terribly hard.

No pressure though... wink
