I've never done this, but I'm trying it this year to get me moving on my second book. I love the concept!

NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. The whole idea is to write frantically during the month of November, so quickly and uncritically that you can't obsess with perfectionism or get writer's block. The goal for adults is 50,000 words (a "novel") from November 1 - November30. Kids on the YWP boards can set their own goal, from a few hundred words for a little one to the adult goal or more for older kids. The writing doesn't even have to be in English -- work on your second language skills by setting a lower word goal and making yourself write. If this sounds like fun, the time to sign up is NOW. The contest doesn't begin until November 1, but the "Great White Wipe" of the boards has occurred and the new website is up. There's a change in the YWP (Young Writers Program) rules this year.It used to be that people 13+ were required to go to the adult boards unless they were registered with a school class. Now, the move to the adult boards is just an option. If you're 17 & under, you're welcome to hang with the YWP group.

