
First time poster here. My 13yr old is in 8th grade and has had issues since he was 4. He is 2E and has had two evals, one when he was 7 and the other this year. First eval says he had ADHD, ODD and anxiety. The most recent says GAD and obsessive thinking. ON the WISC3, he scored 132FSIQ, this time around on WISC4 he scored 125FSIQ due to the very low scores on processing speed and working memory which his therapist believes is a large discrepancy worth looking into. The VC score was 138, PR 125, WM107 PS 97. VC breakdown is 15,19,15 PR is 12,14,16,WM is 11 and 12 and processing speed is 8 and 11. Since he is older than most here and we feel he is learning disabled due to the GAD and processing speed and some other unknown cause which could be auditory or sensory, we wondered what services we should be asking for and what tests we should be looking at to get needed services?. He has trouble with writing and he is very slow at mundane tasks. He wears glasses due to poor vision 20/200, but we believe he has issues with processing information and dont know where to start. Also, I am trying to calculate GAI for the WISC4 and cant since my math skills stink (math ability doesnt come from my side of family!LOL) Can anyone help me with this?. I have a meeting with the school, county and teachers at my sons middle school and need this information to help me get some services for my son if possible.

Thanks in advance,