Hi Cym :
No, we are not going to Denver this year. Are going to do an intense violin camp in SLC when RMTS is offering its session. Also, when I looked at the qualifying SAT/ACT/EXPLORE scores they seemed to be lower than last year requirements. Maybe I am mistaken, since Ghost took PLUS last year and it is no longer ofered, I can't really compare . But I remember very well, that last year, when we were researching summer institutes, RMTS had the highest scores required to attend (not counting THINK).
For now the plan is to do THINK next year, althought we wanted to go to Europe and THINK is 3 weeks long, taking away the chunk of vacations. But from what I see, THINK gathers the most advanced kids. I do not know anyone that attended, do you?
In addition to violin camp my kids will do Astro camp and take a one week program at the U of Utah. I want Ghost to take an AMC 8 prep course through EPGY during the summer - he has agreed, so far :-)But he is not going to be in a cluster of gifted kids this summer, and this is what he liked best about RMTS. I don't know sometimes what to do with him anymore. I know for sure that one of the reasons he is doing so well is tha fact that he has been challenged since he was a toddler. He loves challenges and is not afraid of them. But it is becoming more and more difficult to challenge him by myslef. Sometimes I thing I should take my kids to Europe for a year and have them do English online while atending a school there. With the incident at VT this past week I have been quite emotional, and all the things that are usually hidden deep inside me are beginning to pop up again. I am furious at the educational system in this country , I am furious at the parents, I am furious at the values that I am constantly exposing my kids to. I am furious at myself for not knowing what to do next!
Sorry, needed to vent!

What kind of a math course is your son taking? How helpful is the instructor and the materials they send you? My daughter is doing Alex and we really love it. She will continue through the summer - it costs nothing compared to EPGY course, but I have to say that I can't compare qualities.

My son is 12 now, finishing sixth grade. I do have a lot of emotions recently concerning his nearest future, but will rumble about it somewhere else, if at all :-) I quess I feel the need to vent ;-)feeling somewhat hopeless.