My DS turned 6 this past December and recently was identified as a gifted kid by the psychologist that tested him. He currently goes to Kindergarten at a public school and the school approached us couple of months with the recommendation to move him to first grade for rest of the school year and have him progress to second grade this fall with his new classmates. We got him tested after the school came to us about this (he had high scores on a test at school and the teacher's observations in class is what led to this). I've been doing a lot of reading and research on gifted kids and grade acceleration. I also looked at a couple of old threads here but I wanted to still post this and get some opinions.

He is a social and reasonable boy. He does do goofy things and enjoys silly games that any other 6 year old would but he also does say that he likes to learn new things and school is boring most times. We asked the school to challenge him in class with advanced materials so he can stay with same age peers and it can be done. However, it depends on the bandwidth of all his teachers up until 3rd grade when he will first be able to get the gifted programs for reading and math at his school.

I want him to learn if that's what he wants too and I want him to have friends and be happy. He is not particularly unhappy in his current class, rather just bored. Should we move him to half year of first grade followed by second grade? or just let him be where he is and try to give him whatever enrichment or advanced work wherever possible?
Also, would accelerating him this way negatively impact his readiness and confidence and ability to perform well on the second grade cogat test etc? I would love for him to get the gifted programs in 3rd grade regardless of acceleration now.