So, I have a question about schools. DD goes to a very small private school (only one class for her grade) but they are very flexible (suggested a grade skip to me) and while it can be a challenge they work to keep DD challenged, they seem to really care about her. That being said, she still spends a lot of time practicing (as she calls it) instead of learning. The school runs about one year ahead of our local public school in terms of curriculum and there is no gifted program. There are also a couple of HG+ kids at her school, not necessarily in her grade but she does interact with these other children on a daily basis.
Our local public schools have a pull out gifted program, it is only one day a week and the curriculum is not accelerated the other four days. However, we live in a university community and she would most likely have intellectual peers at our local public school (or maybe I am being optimistic). Also,
we could afford to do more enrichment at home since we would not be paying tuition.
Any ideas on best environment? What has the experience been like for those at public schools? I just want to try and make sure she is as happy at school as she can be:)!