Kudos to your son, Mithawk! Those are some terrific accomplishments. Sorry he's having to do all this in the middle of a pandemic. I feel for these students.
Thank you. It feels like a wasted freshman year in terms of him getting to know his classmates.
But I actually feel worse for the high school seniors graduating this year. The entire college admission process must be a nightmare this year.
No kidding. I think it’s been a rough time for anyone at a transition point in their studies. What is your son’s program doing to build out relationships?
(And yes, Harvard undergrad Econ is quite soft, for the reasons you alluded to. Every school has its strengths; I think Harvard designed its undergrad to feed into the Kennedy School along political economy lines. Most quant econ programs cover through to the first year Harvard graduate sequence in core micro/macro/econometrics by 3rd year undergrad. Maybe reassure your son, from this economist, that not all economists are so disappointing in quant! They probably have impressive strengths in other areas.
