This is such a strange time, and many are a bit stir crazy from being housebound. Others may be thrilled that they have been ordered to stay put. Our two DD's are supposed to be completing school work, but I found DD at her desk seriously studying her Ipad .... She had found a video of Chinese parents telling their children "I love you. " for the first time along with their adult children's reactions. DD had a notebook beside her where she was writing out all the conversations in Chinese (pages of this). Then she gave me a lecture on the poor quality of the subtitles in the videos.

If only her Chinese teacher got this much work out of her.
I love this! How fantastic. My children's self entertainment that I know their teacher's wished they would apply to a related school subjects also tends to fairly obscure things.
One of mine has been doing all their jigsaws of maps, and undertaking further expansion of their knowledge of places, which is far in advance of mine or anyone else's in the family. I am now almost NEVER able to answer the "Where is..." questions I receive because it's usually now only fairly obscure cities or mountains etc.