Hi Yanaz!
What an engaged little person you seem to have. It sounds like she is certainly advanced in developing speech and interaction with you.
When my youngest daughter was this age her speech became less clear, I was worried there was a problem with her tongue or hearing. I took her to the speech therapist and they laughed and laughed and said �she�s not supposed to be talking like that really, this is advanced, she�s not going backwards�. Which perhaps gives you some perspective on expectations of speech at 18 months. Note: I then went to the ENT, her ears were blocked and as soon as she could hear better, her speech clarified again).
Many children who are gifted do show advanced development at this age. The wonderful thing is that for now you don�t have to do anything other than keep on interacting with her and supporting her for a few years yet. If it happens that she�s very advanced when heading to school that can be tricky and cause for some careful planning. But you�ve have some time to just enjoy learning together.