I had very bad insomnia at around that age. Sometimes I couldn't fall asleep until dawn.

At least for me it didn't have an easy fix, but some things helped.

Part of the reason why I couldn't sleep was that I stressed a lot about not sleeping, and that prevented me from relaxing. Then my grandfather, who was a doctor and had insomnia too, told me not to worry about sleeping. He said that as long as I stayed in bed I would be resting, even if I couldn't sleep.

After that, I spent the night reading, and I came to cherish those sleepless nights. At that point, I began sleeping again.

So, I would recommend trying not to stress about it and giving it time.

Also, a very boring book makes wonders. I discovered this after attempting to read the two-volume biograpy of a writer aged 12. Every time I took it, I would fall asleep in less than 15 minutes.

Last edited by Isabel; 05/13/19 04:08 AM.