I am so sorry your son had to deal with this. The behavior is not acceptable. I am happy to see you are planning to pull him from the toxic situation.
Toxic is right. I thought because he is an only child that he needed to be around kids for socialization. But upon reading some blogs about children who are bullied at school, so-called "negative socialization" can actually be experienced by kids that are different. I suppose since DS is such a soft heart and nice to others, I naively thought he would avoid that.
Or if you paint, is there an art thing he can do at the same time?
I do have a special art that I want to share with him now that he's old enough. I think that having him home will free up considerable time to train him in that art.

That makes me REALLY happy.
Does your DS also need a lot of down time? Mine loves his block of time to pursue his interest. He insists it stays as part of our schedule.
He loves anything to do with computers and the iPad. I think he would enjoy learning how to write code during his down time, but if he does cyber-schooling, I don't know if I would be thrilled with more screen time!