We know my 9YO is gifted by IQ testing and suspect same for our 7YO guy. What we are really interested in however, is resolving reading issues. My youngest son is a very capable reader, has no trouble with spelling, even complex words. He is grade-accelerated +1, so in 2nd as a just-turned 7YO. He is reading words like mystified, salutation, and plague without stumbling.
But, he hates reading.

He absolutely abhors it. This started over the summer, and is getting worse. Recently, he has started to not read at school during reading time, and as a result, is getting into trouble (wiggly, noises, distracting other kids).
I've noticed for some time now that he tends to mix-up or change word order as he's reading. "Sally shouted" becomes "shouted Sally". He's getting the words right, but stumbling on reading as the author intended which sometimes is fine, but other times makes the passage not make sense. He also word-skips and substitutes words of similar meaning.
So what we would like to do is evaluate for reading issues. I don't know where to start with this. He's well above appropriate level in phonics, decoding, vocabularly, but when asked to read aloud, he just cries. I spent some time yesterday looking into dyslexia and he has a lot of markers. The type of doctor needed for diagnosis is a neuropsych.
The worst part is that we are a family of readers. We've read to our children daily since birth. He loves literature when being read to. This current strike against reading is getting to be too much.
Looking for a recommendation for a neuropsychologist in the Vancouver, WA area. We used Dr. Linda Verlinden at The Children's Program in Beaverton, OR for our oldest, but it's an hour drive, and a lot of missed school / work for non-value-added drive time.
Feedback on a recommendation or this reading issue is welcome. Thanks in advance.