DD16 started her freshman year at university earlier this month.

+1 on the class front: She already feels like a biology rockstar as she was one of the few in her lab who already knew how to set up and use a binocular microscope. She could also prep her own slides without the instructor's assistance. Ended up getting out of lab way earlier than everyone else.

+1 on self advocacy: When a class she needed for next term was full, she emailed the head of the dept. and talked to him about getting her into a section.

+1 on fitting/blending in: One of her varsity sport teammates said to her, "Have you heard that one of our teammates is only 16?" "Uh, yeah. That's me."

-1 on fitting in (in her father's opinion): She has met a "really cool guy" who walks her home from lunch even though his dorm is in the other direction.

So, other than this supposed "cool guy", things are going swimmingly. smile


For gifted children, doing nothing is the wrong choice.