Sorry to report this, HK, but it won't stop at college graduation. I remember thinking, as I entered my first year of grad school, that I would finally be done with the questions about being young on campus, only to have a friendly upperclassman sit down next to me in the cafeteria and ask if I was a freshman. Also, when all of one's grad school buddies want to engage in one of the traditional Friday night entertainments of that stage, one is likely to be the one holding all the car keys, or one may be outed by the bouncer at the door, or one may have to quietly choose not to participate (which is, of course, an option at any age). (Though for me, as I prefer not to drink anyway, age was a gracious excuse, rather than a hindrance, as it put an immediate stop to importunities to imbibe.)

It did, however, stop after graduate school, once actually employed.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...