We finally met with the school regarding DS's math acceleration. After seeing 100% on the end of 4th gr. test they unanimously agreed to a single subject acceleration next year. This is a good start, I guess. We can always do another acceleration after next year.

We were hoping and in fact asked that with such a high score that they would test with end of 5th year test, as we are sure he would've scored nearly as well. At our meeting they acknowledged that he was a very good "multiple choice" test taker but said that they did not have any tests they would feel comfortable using. ???

They seemed really concerned that in 5th grade there is a lot more writing and explaining your work and that multiple choice tests were not the best tool to evaluate this aspect.

it should be noted that 5th grade is in same school but 6th grade is about 10 minutes away and would involve much more logistics (although this seems inevitable next year)

We said that we just wanted to know where his zone of proximal development actually was and that with a 100% on his testing he clearly hit the ceiling. Wouldn't it be good to do some above grade level testing to find out where he is at?

The administrator said that they would try to find something that would be appropriate over the summer and we would revisit this in the fall.

So my question is, does anybody know a test that they might be able to use? something that would give them a good idea of his actual level of achievement.

We just want the school to be aware of his level of achievement by a measure they would trust. To this point they have not seemed overly anxious to find this out...