My DS will be going into 4th grade next fall. He has been identified for GT program since 2nd grade but it starts in earnest next year so that's something, but we feel like a subject acceleration in math would be very beneficial. He is already working on pre-algebra with ease (we have AoPS textbook at home). His teacher this year has been struggling to find enrichment activities to keep him engaged.

His GT teacher seemed open to the idea of subject acceleration so I thought we had this battle won (although he did mention it could be very hard scheduling between 4th and 5th-grade classes)... But I just received the following from his GT teacher.

"We want to ensure DS is receiving all the necessary foundational skills needed to be successful his math classes in the future. It was concluded by his teachers, Principal and myself that DS would need to score ≥95% on the 4th-grade year-end assessment to be considered for single subject acceleration. We appreciate your concern for DS's academic and social needs."

Doesn't ≥95% seem like a very high mark in order to show proficiency? Does anybody else have experience with this and what proficiency was their benchmark?

I am also a bit nervous because they keep including the word "social" in all of their correspondence. I am afraid this will be another tool they will use to resist subject acceleration.

Any insight or approaches we might take with the school would be greatly appreciated. I can't imagine DS having to sit through all of 4th grade math.