No. Ditto to Connecting Dots advice.

I'd also add that having lived through puberty with my 3 children and with quite a few friends, I haven't seen early puberty be a huge issue for the girls I've known who've gone through it with re to grade level peers - the key factor was more the support of adults in the lives of the pre-teens and their peers. Equally challenging as experiencing puberty before peers can be the challenge of navigating middle school and puberty-related issues of peers when you're younger - there is not going to be any "one answer" pointing to either accelerate or don't accelerate, but instead a whole world full of "what ifs" and "this could happen if you choose option ___".

The thing is - we all see the world through our own eyes. We also, as parents, know our children better than anyone else, as well as we're familiar with what's best for our whole family, not just one of our children. Your dd's friend's parents will make the best decision for their child and their family. You need to trust them on that, not worry about the friend, and instead help your dd see that a skip can work (if that's what she wants) with or without the friend in the same class.

Best wishes,
