SaturnFan, I feel like you. I don't feel I can say DD4 is reading yet because she can only decode simple phonetic words (which she's been able to do since late 2/early 3) but hasn't progressed much beyond that point. Having said that, I haven't made any effort to help her. I get a bit confused between scaffolding and hot housing. But this week I borrowed some flash cards from a friend and after a few days DD4 is pretty close to what I would call reading. She gets a lot further in books by herself now that she's got those sight words plus the basic decoding skills she had before. But still not reading solo. I'm a bit conflicted about whether I should keep going with more flash cards/sight words or let her figure things out by herself. Anyhow. At least if I ever feel the urge, I can say she 'cracked the code' and started 'reading' at 2