Yesterday, I received notification from the school that the status of DS' gifted eligibility is "undecided." He "passed screening and requires further IQ testing by the school psychometrist to determine whether he/she is eligible for gifted services." I will receive a letter of final determination by September 1.

DS is in second grade. In February, he was pulled out with about half his class to be tested. I think they used the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking. A score of 97%+ allows automatic entrance into the G/T program in this state. A few weeks later, DS told me that the gifted teacher pulled him out alone. I don't know what test he was given, but he says that he was asked to repeat a series of numbers backwards and she asked him to define "xxxeditedoutxxx." He didn't remember anything else but he says she asked a lot of questions. By his estimate (he missed the math lesson) he was gone about 40 minutes. He also says he didn't think that he did well because she was writing a "0" or "1" when he answered each question and she wrote down mostly "0".

Anyway, I'm just looking for others' thought. I tend to over think things, and September 1 seems a long time to be in limbo. Any BTDT? Do you think he will be given an additional test or are they waiting the results from the individual test? [When I requested that he be screened, I submitted two of the rubrics I had from the courses he recently took at the gifted program at a university (which is in a different state). I didn't submit the original test results (done at the university) because they are almost 4 years old]. School starts here at the beginning of August, so would they wait until the beginning of 3rd grade to test/gather additional information?

Last edited by Jai; 04/11/17 04:21 PM.