DS is in 2nd grade. He says he's "so bored in school and they don't teach me anything I don't already know." And he's right. Aside from gifted class on Friday, and Tuesday and Thursday math pull out for enrichment he's bored out of his mind, and grasps the concepts quickly and easily. He's also twice exceptional, having severe ADHD. He says he doesn't have any friends. His class doesn't have a lot of boys and the little group that there is has decided to cut him out (my words not his).
At the end of first grade he scored in the 99% on the Iowa standardized assessment, putting him at at 4th grade equivalent. He has not taken the Iowa for acceleration. He also reads at a 4.8 grade level. I just don't know what do with him. He sees a developmental pedi for his ADHD and she said that unless his social skills are ahead she doesn't recommend acceleration. His social skills are behind (he's exactly like Sheldon on Big Bang, seriously). He currently sees no value in going to school because he's not getting anything out of it. I know there's a lot of threads on acceleration, and I've read them, but does he sound like the kind of kid that would benefit from it? I have a meeting with his gifted teacher next week to discuss it, but I'd really like some input from fellow parents and your experiences. Thanks for any help you can give!
ETA: I found this quote from the link on this thread to sum everything up nicely. If I quoted this wrong forgive me. I'm new here

"In her study of exceptionally gifted children, Gross has reported that the self-esteem of exceptionally gifted students tends to be significantly lower than the self-esteem of average students, especially when the school is unwilling or unable to allow them access to other children who share their levels of intellectual, oral and psychosocial development. Thus the gifted child is placed in the forced dilemma of choosing to minimize intellectual interests and passions for the sake of sustaining peer relations or of pursuing intellectual interests at the cost of becoming socially isolated in the classroom. As Gross poignantly added "The gifted must be one of the few remaining groups in our society who are compelled, by the constraints of the educative and social system within which they operate, to choose which of two basic psychological needs should be fulfilled."