LOL, saying "demand" here in the forum, most parents of gifted kids will understand your meaning, however this is a public forum and others in the general population (including those with typical IQ and teachers/administrators) may point to that phraseology as proving their viewpoint that parents of gifted children are "demanding".

Not to be the vocabulary police, but words can have different shades of meaning to different people, groups of people, or populations.

Originally Posted by Findingourway
Maybe once she starts preschool her preschool teacher will be a better judge? She sees kids in the age group every day. She would maybe know more of what's normal range?
Regarding teachers, some may be able to correctly identify kids who are ahead, but not so much those who are gifted. Here's a link to a page with several posts which together are a snippet of recent discussion on whether teachers can identify gifted kids (spoiler follows wink )
Parents tend to be more accurate in identifying gifted kids, than teachers usually are.
Regarding "normal" or normal range... Here I will add that James Webb (founder of SENG and author of A Parents Guide to Gifted Children) often made the distinction between "normal" and "typical"; Gifted kids are "normal", they just are not "typical". The distinction is in the difference to a child's self-esteem: not being normal feels bad (abnormal), not being typical feels OK.