Could someone give me advice on what I should look for in a music teacher for our son?

He has expressed a strong desire to learn fiddle and piano, in that order.

His public school music teacher (taught DS to read music and the recorder) has offered her services for piano, but I'm not sure how to determine if she's the right fit. DS seems to like her well enough, but I don't quite feel a "click" with her. Does that matter? She has said I really should get a piano, but really, would we need one or would a good keyboard do?

As for fiddle, we are trying to source a violin teacher and so far can find one about 45 minutes from us. Not ideal, so should we concentrate on the keyboard, DS' second choice?

A prior school DS attended hosted a fiddle player who also offered to teach DS. He's over an hour's drive away, so violin would substitute for now. (Sorry if I offend our musically talented with my clumsy questions. I really don't mean to.)