Maybe just move on to prealgebra then. He could do alcamus at school if they want on line stuff. If he likes BA, Khan probably wouldn't do it for him. My 9 year old has just started 5th grade and has been finally advanced 2 years in maths. Unfortunately that puts him in the top class and I think he might still be near the top in the advanced class. I am going to start him on AOPS PA to give more depth to what they do in class then hope I can organise his maths for the two years after this.
Eta. If you could get permission to start school late the kids would accept it pretty quickly and may even be envious. Ds9 just has someone from the other class fetch him when it is time.
Cross posted!

I think AOPS/Alcumus would be a great fit. DS loves the "dive in and break your brain" aspects but hesitates over the more structured aspects of (any) textbook. I might just have to buy it and see how it goes. >.<
His concern about being treated differently, starting late or pulling out at math time or whatever, is that he knows it's not appropriate to brag about being more advanced. But everyone knows he's the "smart kid" and knows that's why he'd be pulled for special treatment during math. And he doesn't know how he'd talk about it without coming off as bragging, you know? So he hesitates when I suggest those kinds of solutions. He would LOVE a small group situation where he could share special instruction with peers -- but from what I'm gathering so far, there might not *be* any peers, at least not in fourth grade. He's trying so hard to find coding buddies to help him with his pet project of creating a video game in Javascript or C, and no one is as motivated as he is. Such a tough age in a lot of ways. :\