Medicating a child is a personal choice and I am no expert on the topic. But, there are 2 points that I would like to make.
1. Your child is PG, which makes him abnormal when it comes to intellectual abilities. There are simply too few people of that ability in the population that it is a rarity. Since he is not typical, it is not a surprise that he is not spending his childhood in a conventional and typical way. Is it fair to compare his life choices with that of the neurotypical child?
2. If you do not want to medicate him on the weekends and if he is unable to be well regulated because of that, why not make the weekends truly unstructured? Take him to hike, bike, rollerblade, picnic, eat out etc etc so that you all are not cooped up with each other and feel that he is driving you all up the wall. Also look into involving him in activities like scouts, basketball, archery, soccer etc that are outside the home on the weekends. That looks like a typical child's weekend activity list to me!