Originally Posted by gratified3
Love one new teacher, love one new school situation (9 HG kids with two teachers!), and believe all will be rosy smile. I spend most of my time thinking about how fortunate this situation is, but about 5% with the creeping doubt that it will turn to dust next month. I'm hoping the optimistic part wins and I'm thrilled for all the good news on the board lately.

Maybe it's all just progress, rather than false high hopes!! Do you think it's possible?? Tell me it is . . . .

Wow. 9 HG kids and 2 teachers. DOK. That sounds awesome! It will be great, really. It cannot get any better, can it?

Neato, that's great that they let you to hs your child for math. DD6 has a good teacher, it sounds like a very nice start.
