polarbear - Thanks for the long response.

He was officially diagnosed with Developmental Coordination Disorder but never officially diganosed with dysgraphia. However talking with the neuropsych after the eval as well as a tutor we have used for spelling/writing and OT for handwriting, they all said it fits him.

1) His grammar issues are written issues - capitalization, punctuation, and identifying parts of speech/parts of sentences. When speaking with him or even if you read what he writes on the computer (ignoring run-on sentences), there are no concerns or issues.

2) There is no question about his reading comprehension. This is based on not only testing such as the NWEA MAP where his lexile is in the high school range, but also in discussing with him what he has read. Most non-fiction books he reads these days are adult books, and this is by choice. He finds that the children level "don't have enough depth and aren't complex enough" - his words. I know he is comprehending them because of the conversations he will have with us after reading them. There is no way he could know/understand what he does if he didn't have the comprehension. His teachers for years have also commented on his advanced comprehension.

His spelling seems to be terrible whether writing individual words or writing a story/paragraph. I'm not clear if there is a significant difference in his spelling when typing vs handwriting vs oral.

When younger he did Handwriting Without Tears, and the OT told us at that time that he lacks automaticity in his handwriting.

As I mentioned in my response to aeh, I know we need to get an official eval to look into this more. We just can't do it right now, and I'm trying to figure out how to help him best until we can. Also having more insight into what is going on helps me.