As a parent of a gifted D17 who had really rough time in junior high, was finally diagnosed by a neruopsyc at 15 and who is now one month short of 18. A lot of these things will get better as he matures. Honestly.. Although I don't suggest you just ignore them all and wait. My son turned into a completely different child from between his freshman year in H.S. and his junior one. Some of this was because HE wanted to change & was motivated. I did find him a psychologist who has experience with gifted kids to work with him.

You have just hit the beginning of puberty. A lot of this being a kid who has just hit puberty.. maybe one that it not completely neurotypical (but every quirk doesn't need a label) but being 11 just ramps everything up to 11. And if you aren't the same way, it may seem like he's pushing your buttons. He isn't an adult. Many kids have a few ticks (my son used to chew on his shirts when he was nervous). Many adults get motion sick in cars if they aren't driving. Everyone in my family gets motion sick to some extent so I don't think of it being very odd.

As for the auditory thing. Have you consider that's he's very introverted and when out in public or in new situations he's on sensory overload. Perhaps he doesn't initially respond because you have to pull him out of his zone. This requires patience and understanding as well as training & practice.

My kid was tested and doesn't officially have ADHD and/or ASD. Although he does share some characteristics mostly he is a quirky introverted gifted kid. And honestly if you son my son today you wouldn't recognize the child he was at 11/12.

Last edited by bluemagic; 02/01/17 10:22 AM.