I just learned that my 9.5 year old daughter scored extremely highly on her IQ testing, high enough for acceptance to Davidson. She's always been bright and mature, and is homeschooled so we can meet her needs.

I got the preliminary testing results over the phone today, and we will return in about 2 weeks for a short meeting to go over how to interpret the results and get the final report.

I am wondering whether to bring my daughter along. I see 2 sides to this.

1) Don't take her. Kids shouldn't know how smart they are because it'll make them lazy and think they don't have to work hard. This is the path my parents took -- I had IQ testing done for a gifted program and they hid the results from me until just this Saturday.

2) Take her along. It's information about her, and she's entitled to know herself. She already knows she's smart, this will break out what areas she's ahead of the curve in and what areas won't come easily. Teach her that her intelligence is a tool, but that without USING that tool, it won't make anything.

I resented the fact that my parents kept my scores from me, and I assumed that I was a genius and my scores were super-high anyway. So I guess I lean toward #2, but I'm scared that it'll ruin her somehow because it doesn't seem like the sort of thing you should do.

What is the approach you took, and how do you feel it worked out?