Originally Posted by blackcat
They see the students as data points and dollar signs. They spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on consulting from a for-profit business called the DMC (district management council). This is a nationwide thing, most states have at least some districts with contracts. It's all about how to boost state reading and math (esp. reading) scores on the state tests. So that means focusing on the "bubble kids" who are close to passing, not on sped and not on gifted. In terms of gifted ed, the DMC states that those kids are already meeting expectations so there is no need to make any investment in them.
This is the incentive system of the "No child left behind" system. If 95% of the class meets the standards the goal still remains on the 5% who do not. There is no incentive to deal with anyone else. That being said local schools do try, but the incentives are stacked against them. What we need are revamped incentives from the center.
Also I draw no fault towards the consultants. They are providing a product to the districts to what the districts want. There is no deceit. What is the problem? Also I consider my kid a "Product" of the school. I am not sure why that is a bad label.

Last edited by VR00; 11/29/16 12:29 PM.