So, I am frustrated and unsure. I will try to summarize. My son (12) was in public school until this year. He is ADHD inattentive type only and dyslexic (no meds). Grades at fluctuate. IQ was at one point 134 (GAI)but lower in more recent test.
This year we put him into a cooperative homeschooling program. He goes 2x a week from 8 am to 3 pm. He stays home the other days. He is taking 8 classes.I think I registered him for too many. When home he is pretty much studying all the time due to the amount of work and the fact that he takes longer to do things.
Next school year I want to put him in less classes.
I got a phone call from one of his teacher today. She is complaining of his behavior in class (2 hours a week only). She says that he fidgets and plays with things (E.g. notebook, eraser, glasses, etc). Yesterday he was fidgeting with something and when she asked him to put it away he asked her why. She did not like this. She feels that at times in class he is combative. For instance he tells her that he knows how to do some things in his head instead of writing it down. I talked to him after she called me. He does not like her. He feels she wants to assert her power over him.
He also says that he is bored in her class because he already knows this subject.
Here is the issue I am having- I want him to be respectful to teachers but I do thing that this teacher tends to be inflexible. My son does gets distracted easily and he does not do well with rigid teachers. It is not a good fit. He says that he knows the subject but his tests and homework do not reflect that. At this point my option is to remove him from this class or let him stay in the class. I am not sure of the right decision. I want him to learn to work with others especially those that he does not like. We all have bosses that we have to learn to work with so I think this would be a good life skill to learn. On the other hand, I am aware of his difficulties (and emotional temper) so I am unsure of the right approach. When I talked to him it was clear that he does not respect this teacher approach to things so I am concerned that this issue will continue the rest of the year.
Thoughts? Suggestions?