Ds7 has a full scale IQ at the 99.8 %ile. He has been prone to frustrated induced agression since infancy. Earlier this year i switched him to a smaaler more structured school and it seemed to help. Until this term - they are doing narrative writing which is hard for him and on tbat this week they had swimming lessons every day (an hour in the pool) and had to do an art project that HAD to be finished by Friday. They missed lunch break for swimming and he had to make up writing or art most days.

Anyway yesterday (Friday) he stressed out about art ( he said cutting out about 50 pieces was too hard but the teacher feels she tried to help him manage it) so ended up working through break along with a group of 4 girls. Here it gets tricky. The girls claim he held them by the hair and punched them and threw chairs. He says they wete being noisy an wouldn't be quiet when he asked, that the chair fell when he got up and that he threw his toy and one of the girls got upset because she thought he was going to throw her toy as well. There was no adult present - i can picture him throwing stuff and attacking one kid but four seems a stretch although he can be very strong and agressive at times.

There is something wrong with this kid. On a good day he is lovely but on a bad day he has a hair trigger.

I have banned him from the computer for the weekend - not because i think it will help but because I want him to know I take it seriously. ASD testing was inconclusive but I really think it is anxiety mostly. What tests etc do i need to look it in to.