We saw a lot of success with "Bedtime is at 9, but you can have a flashlight and a book until 10". Since DS6 just started formal schooling we had to get rid of this practice as we have had to work on getting up at 6 sharp every morning. Since we stopped flashlight time DS hasn't read a single book. He's always been a reluctant reader, but he loves books when he actually bothers to read them. It's amazing how motivated he became to read when the options were read or lay quietly in your bed in a dark room smile He ended up reading over 200 books in just a few months.

He also frequently doesn't finish books. Could be related to his ADHD. I also think he sometimes gets bored with a book when the newness wears off.

DS does love having us read to him. He gets very into the stories and talks about the characters and events and looks forward to reading the next chapter. He even cries when reading time is over some nights. But he never picks up the books the next day to read it himself.

Good luck and post here if you ever find the solution. I'd love to figure out how to actually get DS to love to read!