Okay, we had a similar experience. Except that my DS did not qualify for the Gifted Program on the OLSAT (our SoCal school district uses the OLSAT for screening and the NNAT (or similar non-verbal assessment, but mainly NNAT for group testing) for IQ.

My DS did not qualify for OLSAT in the 2nd grade, but OLSAT is a School Ability (Achievement) assessment. His 3rd grade teacher suggested he be assessed for giftedness. I spoke to a friend who has a PG child and she said that the school might find that he was gifted but I wouldn't get the information that would explain his anxiety, etc. When the GATE office said they might not be able to assess the kids at our school that year, I didn't want to wait any longer and had him assessed privately. He tested HG for his GAI but with very slow processing that brought him down to MG on the WISC IV. Two weeks later they told us he would be assessed by school district. For the school district's test (they used the NNAT 2 in a group setting) he did not qualify as gifted- he was 91%. We appealed based on the WISC results and they said that they would retest him, however I requested an individual comprehensive assessment (measures both verbal and non-verbal). On the individual comprehensive assessment (KABC) he was assessed as Highly Gifted Applicable (99.7%). We are also in a SoCal school district. However our district does have multiple ways of identifying giftedness, not just IQ, but they will use IQ results for Highly Gifted school admission only, and they only usually allow a child to be assessed once for IQ.

I see that you have already appealed, and they have shut you down. I would go up the ladder until you get someone with some common sense. It makes no sense that she is that close to the cutoff and that after you have provided multiple supporting evidence to support your claim that she should be in the gifted program that they should continue to put you off.