Nonstop singer here too. She denies that she does it though so I guess it's unconscious.

She's a musical theater kid so it's usually show tunes - today's combo has included several shows done over the past 3 years with 4 different theater companies, songs from her chorus group, songs from the past 3 summers at camp as well as her own personal compositions. Oh and some from '1776' thrown in for good measure since the Fourth of July recently passed... No idea how she decides on them - I don't think she even realizes she does it. At a surprise slumber party for her 10th birthday she was in the bathroom singing opera while her friends were hanging out in the next room. She had NO idea what they were laughing at and adamantly denied she had been singing... especially that it was opera!

When she was younger she was usually dancing but that has pretty much stopped. She also went through a period of time when she liked to spin but doesn't do that anymore either.

She is drawn to any type of performance. Even as an infant she would pay rapt attention to music, dance or theatrical performances. She likes to sit front and center and barely even blinks. Months later will come out with lines from a play or lyrics from a song she heard just once.

I like George C's explanation above. I assume there is indeed constantly music in her head. Imagine if this is the edited version.... Oy!

ETA I just remembered when she was younger she had imaginary friends - she called them her 'kids' and said she had 97 of them. Constantly engaged in conversation doing all the different voices. Constantly. I remember listening intently to be sure each one had a voice and that she wasn't hearing them in her head... BTW as I was typing that she came into the room singing "You Can't Get a Man With a Gun" from 'Annie Get your Gun'. I thinks that's at least the 10th musical she has sung a song from today... And no she was never in it and I think it's been a few years since she saw it. Now singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"... Ah that brain of hers...

Last edited by Pemberley; 07/19/16 07:27 PM.