Oh and as for the consenting to iep and signing NOREP thing. I did just quickly look into to refresh my memory. My state sort-of is still a "stay put" state.

Parental approval is necessary. If a parent does not approve of the new IEP - he/she can sign the NOREP but indicate on it that he/she does not consent/approve and that he/she intends to seek a due process hearing or mediation, etc. The district is then under an obligation to implement the PREVIOUS iep and placement (not the new one with which parent does not agree/approve) while mediation and/or due process proceedings play out. So, a parent not consenting to the IEP on the NOREP is important. As long as the parent indicates that he/she does not consent or approve of the new IEP on the NOREP (and the parent puts that into motion by also contacting the ODR), the school CAN NOT put the new IEP into place. So it is sort-of a stay put state.... you do end up signing but you sign saying "I am signing this to show I got it but I am not consenting" and the old iep stays put.

Last edited by Irena; 06/02/16 09:47 PM.