Thanks again to all of you for your thoughtful responses.

George C-that's interesting. Your DS sounds just like mine when he was in 3rd grade. And you are spot with your comment about, given a diverse group, he will go for the girls. That's my DS.
That's been the case since 2nd grade and he is now a 6th grader. I've worked hard at arranging playdates with other boys, sometimes they are reciprocated, sometimes not. We also have outings with the gals and their families.
I try mixed outings, too.
He just made the yearbook staff for 7th grade, which should be good for him to expand his pool of friends in general.

Mana-thanks for the nice words.

notnafnaf-I think DS may have that calming effect as well. smile

Aufilia- Yes, DS just gets some kinds more than others and vice versa. LOL about how some of your group married each other!!

Thanks to every commenter again!