DS11-HG-out of this world when it comes to relating to adults. Basically a minigrownup.

However, he has never had a bunch of friends but those that he has had are overwhelmingly girls. Wonderful girls with great parents. Currently he has 2 friends that are boys that he hangs out with, e.g. the other parents and I arrange reciprocal playdates/hangouts. One boy is moving out of state next week.
DS is not "close" with the other boy really but they've known each other a long time and his mom and I socialize and we get those boys together often and kind of force them to hang out.

Here is the question. DS's closest friends are a small group of girls, like I said, wonderful girls. But I just worry that the eventual "puberty" drama will hit and he will be left friendless. He says he gravitates toward girls because boys right now are immature and all they do is swear, etc.
The problem is that I know some of the girls have crushes on him and he has a crush on his best gal pal although I know they are also "close" friends in general as they've been close since elementary.

Should he be developing more relationships with boys to learn more overall social skills and to deal with the eventual time when his gal pals decide he is no longer interesting? My head says no but heart says IDK when I see him walking at school and the boys all ignore him but for a couple and he basically ignores them. This is true even with the boys he plays basketball with. He's been in Scouts but didn't really relate to those kids. He has played many sports but isn't really athletic so he hasn't really related to those kids either on a long term basis. In any group he's in, extracurricular, etc., he gravitates toward the girls and the adults.

I should note that he is happy there and enjoys school although he is underchallenged but that's another story.

As I type this, I feel ridiculous and know I'm looking for a problem that isn't there. Doesn't he need to learn how to develop social skills with everyone?
I'm sorry if I sound shallow but this is really the only place I can discuss this so please don't judge me too too much. He's always been "different" and I've scaffolded his social life often but should I just step away now and be happy that he's happy??? I think I need some perspective.