Originally Posted by Platypus101
Originally Posted by RRD
Lately, he has taken to getting attached to every object he has ever owned. He has actually asked that we keep dried out markers and worn-out shoes as "souvenirs" because he can't bear to part with them. Has anyone else ever dealt with that one? I can see hoarding problems in his future if we don't deal with that one soon...
Packaging, tags, old clothes, every page ever scribbled on..... oh yeah.

Surreptitious dumping is your friend. Just make sure the recycling truck has been by before the kids come home from school! Mine did slowly outgrow this - well the extremes of it anyways. But when his grandfather was invited to a bowling fundraiser and immediately pulled out the bowling shoes he'd last worn at 18, well, I knew I didn't stand a chance.

The biggest help for me when when my children acquired much younger cousins. Getting rid of anything was anathema, but sharing it with the younger cousins was a delight. Got any siblings you can put on the job?!

I saw this quote once, "Hell hath no fury like your kid catching you throwing away anything, EVER. I smuggle out broken crayons like a Mexican drug lord."

My husband and I now whisper "M.D.L." to each other about anything that we are going to have to smuggle out of the house after DD goes to sleep. smile