Originally Posted by Ocelot
I think outdoor activities are wonderful for children mentally and physically and gentle encouragement seems appropriate at this point. But as someone who never enjoyed the same activities as my mother, as he grows older it may be worth thinking about what your family dynamics will be if he simply isn't outdoorsy? In my case, the mismatch did lead to some feelings of alienation because I never got a parental signal that it was ok to be different. I have no idea where the right balance is between pushing and accepting, but it something I ruminate about quite a bit as a parent.

Thanks for your perspective, Ocelot. I must confess that the possibility hadn't even occurred to me. But yes, if that ends up being the case, I guess we'll accept it (and him!) and work around it. We've accepted that he isn't into team sports (at least not at this point), but that one was much easier for us. He does love nature though, so I'm hopeful. In fact, he once said that it was his "greatest wish" to go to a rainforest one day. smile