Just to add, that I don't know what the deal is w/ these schools, but I assumed all along that they had DS's outside neuropsych eval, and that it was transferred w/ the rest of his sp.ed records almost 1.5 years ago. The psychologist told me "Oh, we don't have that, normally all that is sent is the IEP and maybe the latest school eval" (????). I asked if that is a common practice, because how are parents supposed to know what info the school has then? No reply. A few days later the nurse called me because she needed to review records for the AT eval that DS is having, and I mentioned the neuropsych eval and the fact that the old school never sent it, apparently. She said "What, it's sitting right here in his records." I am completely mystified as to how the case manager and school psychologist insisted that the eval was not in the school anywhere (psych even said she would look in another place), and then the nurse said "What, it's right here." The eval had very important info that the school should have had, such as his IQ (!!!!) and other testing info that led to the IEP in the first place. Also, when he transferred schools, no one asked me any questions about him whatsoever. They were doing everything based on what was in the IEP from the old school, and that's pretty much it. Sometimes I wonder why I am even messing w/ an IEP because almost everyone proves to be incompetent.