I assume she transferred from a normal class into the GT program. Even though they didn't have grades I'd guess that she was at the top of the class and that she probably figured that out on her own. Could it be the shock of now not always being/feeling like the smartest kid in the room?

We anticipated this type of thing with DS when he made the switch and emphasized that his new class was going to be different and that he might no longer be the only math whiz or whatever but that was totally fine. We talked about how his class was x kids picked out of y kids in the whole city. We talked about how every one of those kids was probably the smarted kid in their old class (possibly even school) before switching. We talked about how every kid has things that they are really good at and other things that they might struggle with a bit. DS is 2e so we've had a lot of talks over the last 3 years about smart kids not always being the *best* at absolutely everything and that is ok (and it doesn't mean they aren't still smart). We also talk a lot about how grades aren't everything. Sometimes he works really hard and the mark doesn't show it while other times he gets A's in his sleep. We talk about his effort being important and that we aren't worried about grades as long as he is working and improving so he shouldn't either.

Not sure if any of that resonates but figured I'd share.