Unfortunately, I think they do need to be taught to answer these types of questions. This has been an issue for one of my children since K, and doesn't seem to be improving.

My twins go to a school that doesn't do a lot of standardized testing or multiple choice worksheets, but I have already been warned by one of their teachers that this year's standardized test scores likely WILL NOT reflect my child's ability or his level of achievement due to this issue.

In talking with him about the test, I understand the problem, but am really not sure how to solve it.

I don't really care about his test scores, as it really doesn't matter right now, but in a couple of years he will be applying to middle school and standardized test scores will actually matter to the school he wants to attend.

I am going to spend a little time going over answering achievement test type questions in the hope that he can learn how to do it.