Originally Posted by Willsher21
Unbelievably the neighborhood public school offers grade acceleration if we need it and offers math acceleration as well, the principal told us they have a few kids who go to middle school for math classes and then they drive them back to the elementary school for their regular day of classes.
Who would've thought we were going to find more support at a public school than a "gifted" school!
Depending on where you are, there's a good chance that the local public school sees and serves a lot more neurodiversity than private schools, which are after all primarily in the business of marketing and product management.

Originally Posted by Willsher21
BTW did I mentioned that in the current "gifted" school they do not like girls in math classes? the girls are assigned to science because "they don't want them to feel uncomfortable in an all male classroom"....
Hmm. That attitude might set them up to be a target for a lawsuit. Besides, you need advanced math for really getting to grips with science.