If you do early entry now, are you allowed to reverse the skip at a later stage if your dd is not happy with it? Also, does you dd have an opinion about this decision? Even at a young age, some of these kids know exactly what makes them happy/unhappy. My dd skipped kindergarten and started first grade the day she turned 5. She is now in second grade and still under-challenged but doing great academically. Socially, she is challenged but that would be the same skip or no skip. She is emotionally very mature. So the skip has worked well for us. Seems like your daughter is definitely academically ready and is outgoing, so early entry might be a good option. All the best with your decision. I know it is hard to make what seems like life changing decisions but what made me agree to the skip was knowing no decision needs to be final and as things change, so will our decisions and the paths they lead us to.