Originally Posted by _Angie_
Yes, actually my friend that is the mom of one of the girls spoke with the principal earlier in the year about this and one of them suggested the idea. I think the principal was open to it/positive about it, but I'm being a little cynical about if it will really happen. I will ask her if she minds making the request again.

I almost want to send a separate request about my son and the 2 boys though, in case the answer to the first question is no. But I don't want to derail her efforts in any way, if she does agree to take the request to the principal.

Should I also just go talk to the principal about it? Would that be better? I don't want to waste her time on something that could be in an email. However I also need to talk to her about single subject acceleration testing, so... maybe there's enough there to discuss that it won't feel completely ridiculous to request a 15 min meeting?

I think it would be good to have more than one parent making the same request. Power in numbers! IME, it's best to have these conversations either in person or by the phone so you get the response/reaction right away. It's too easy for things to go awry on e-mail, whereas you can hear her thoughts on it and respond as needed if you are on the phone. Setting up a 15 minute conversation would depend on whether or not you have found appts. to be what works best in your school system.