
He took the MAP test (K-2) last fall and he was at 99%. I think he can understand or comprehend if he pays attention to what he's reading. He's not hyperactive and can sit still for a long period of time if he's playing an educational APP on iPad or doing games on puzzle books. We are doing Beast Academy books right now. He seems reading it himself fine but I never really asked him questions besides doing the workbook. He loves jokes or riddle books. Those are usually few sentences and he thinks those are fun. Beast Academy maybe an easy read for him too as they are short reads in the comic format.

I just read about signs of stealth dyslexia, I don't think he has that. He's very strong with phonics and decoding. He can read fluently out loud and no problem spelling a new word with sound it off.

His teacher is going to give him a project to do this quarter. Since he loves geography, she is going to ask him to pick a state or country and do a research about the place. This will help him read and write what he finds out about this place. BTW, he doesn't like to write either. Often he would say I don't know what to write. Sigh....