Follow-up: We have finally met with ALL the specialists and have a written IFSP eval. The Developmental Psychologist was seriously impressed with his advanced abilities, but she can was so great at spotting my concerns in his behavior before I even said anything, so I was already starting to have some confidence in her picking up on his little nuances. I will get the FULL written assessment and detailed assessment in the mail later, but I do have the preliminary copy. They used the DAYC-2
Physical (Gross Motor): 108, 70th %ile
Physical (Fine Motor): 90, 25th %ile
Cognitive: 125, 99th %ile
Communication: 112, 79th %ile
Social/Emotional: 104, 61st %ile

Overall: 130, 98th %ile.

I was pretty shocked that it was as high as it was and she wasn't surprised that DS has those vast dichotomies. She was explaining that he is continuing to push his cognitive ceiling for himself, but he's skipping the foundational stuff that is "too easy" to pay attention to. It really explains why he stopped using previously mastered words, abilities, tricks, etc. He's always moving on to the next new thing. He seems to stare off into space ignore his environment, then snaps back and goes back to what he was doing. He had an EEG done (no seizures) and this DP was telling me that he's got an overwhelming thought that stops him for a minute. She finds him extremely fascinating and will be working with him personally for the next two months at least. She seemed really intrigued with him and what he's capable of.

I FINALLY FEEL VALIDATED! Now, we have a plan to work with him on his behaviors and switching tasks, rigid mentality, and incessant input need!